547123_369172149807062_350816819_n Baltimore Street Art

Artist: Jamal Tendajii Lee

Location: Graffiti Alley

Sensual and mysterious (even orgasmic), Jamal uses his artistic eye and his paintbrush to create beautiful creatures out of ordinary backgrounds and objects.  To create this goddess, Jamal integrated her body with the bricks and mortar of the building.  White paint was used to highlight areas of her body and give it a three dimensional effect.  By contrast, the shadows and the dark parts of her body were completed by not applying paint.  Also, her breasts show very little detail and are mainly just an illusion.  Because of the transparency of this piece, Jamal was also able to preserve the wheatpasting underneath her thigh.  I wonder what she is thinking as she gazes down on Graffiti Alley?