Baltimore Street Art
Artist: Cheer Up
Location: Graffiti Alley
Don’t miss this unique clown sticker by Cheer Up in Graffiti Alley! Listen to an August 2022 interview by City Kitty where Baltimore based street artist Cheer Up discusses how the idea for “Cheer Up” came about and the evolution of his work!
graffiti alley 2022 ,
22 ,
a ,
art ,
art cheer up ,
art clown ,
art sticker ,
artist ,
baltimore ,
baltimore art ,
baltimore based street artist cheer up ,
baltimore clown ,
baltimore paste up ,
baltimore street art ,
baltimore street artist cheer up ,
baltimore wheat paste ,
bmore ,
cheer ,
cheer up ,
cheer up 2015 ,
cheer up art ,
cheer up clown ,
cheer up clown red nose ,
cheer up collaboration ,
cheer up graffiti ,
cheer up sticker ,
cheer up sticker pole ,
cheer up street art ,
cheer up street art magazine ,
cheer up street art zine ,
cheer up wheat paste ,
cheer up wheatpaste ,
cheer up zine ,
cheerup ,
city kitty ,
clown ,
clown art ,
clown cheer up ,
clown graffiti ,
clown graphic ,
clown sticker ,
clown street art ,
collaboration ,
graffiti ,
graffiti alley ,
graffiti alley wheatpaste ,
graffiti cheer up ,
graffiti clown ,
graffiti sticker ,
head ,
keep ,
keep your head on a swivel ,
magazine ,
maryland ,
Maryland street art ,
nose ,
on ,
paste ,
paste up ,
pasteup ,
pole ,
red ,
red nose ,
sad ,
sad clown ,
scratching the surface with city kitty ,
spraypaint ,
sticker ,
sticker art ,
sticker clown ,
sticker pole ,
sticker street art ,
stickering ,
street ,
street art ,
street art cheer up ,
street art clown ,
street art magazine ,
street art sticker ,
street art zine ,
street artist cheer up ,
swivel ,
up ,
wheat ,
wheat paste ,
your ,